BGLOD appears then disappears - what do I do?

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BGLOD appears then disappears - what do I do?

Postby Frankenstein on Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:26 pm

I was playing with my D70 this morning when it suddenly froze, with the dreaded blinking green light (up till now I avoided the BGLOD thread, but now I'm very familiar with it :cry: ). After much cursing, pressing buttons, cursing, removing and replacing battery, and some more cursing for good measure, I left the camera in disgust and went about destroying things around the house.

About an hour later I came back to the camera, and now it appears to be fine (although the date and time had to be reset). Now, my problem is this - I've booked a photographic workshop weekend in the 2nd week of May. Do I take a chance - assuming the camera keeps behaving properly - and do nothing, or should I take this as a warning and get it to Maxwells ASAP in the hope that any impending disaster can be avoided before the workshop? I can probably get it to them on Tuesday (2 days time) but will THEY get it back to me before mid May?

(more cursing pending)
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Postby Glen on Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:28 pm

Frank, I wouldn't trust it. Judging from recent posts there are spare parts in also at the moment. I would be in first thing Monday and asking about spares as everyone knows what the problem is
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Postby LOZ on Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:34 pm

Frank if you get stuck without a camera give me a PM you are welcome to have a lend of mine LOZ
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Postby fozzie on Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:49 pm

Frank - here is a thread of previous members with the dreaded 'BGLOG':

Providing they still have spare parts in stock you are most probably looking at a 3-4 week turnaround period. I live in Adelaide it was 37 days. Received in back last Friday and working a treat. Sincerely hope that you have the same success.

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Postby Frankenstein on Sun Apr 02, 2006 12:58 pm

LOZ wrote:Frank if you get stuck without a camera give me a PM you are welcome to have a lend of mine LOZ

Thanks Loz - that's very generous (gee I love this community!)... let's see what happens. I think I'll ring Maxwell's first thing tomorrow and see what they can do for me.

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