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Maxwells - Again

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:09 pm
by photograham
I can't believe Maxwells!!!!!! Or maybe I can......
I have a Lowepro Nature Trekker AW (back pack camera bag) on which a zipper repair is needed, so after failing to get replies initially from emails, I posted them the bag so they can get the bag repaired.
But, I did ask them to let me know the cost, not of repairing my bag, a rough cost, of having a zipper replaced in the bag. All I asked for was a rough cost of that repair, not how much to repair my bag.
No, they can't do that. Why? They just don't. The repairer the use will not give any of that information.
Aha they say! Send in proof of purchase because we might be able to do it under the warranty. Bit was a gift some 4 to 5 years ago and I don't have prook of purchase.
So how much to replace a zip? We can't tell you. We will ring you after the bag gets here.
I know, you can all believe that from Maxwells

PostPosted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 1:12 pm
by gstark
Pay a visit to your local shoe repairer. try to find an old-style one - one who actually does repairs.

he should be able to fix this for you for a few $$$$.