gstark wrote:Thanh,
Perhaps sometime later today might be a suitable time for you to "admit" to skimming email addresses?
Yes, and I'll get banned as planned?
Sorry, guys.Moderator: Moderators
Yes, and I'll get banned as planned? Birddog114
VNAF, My Beloved Country and Airspace
Anything is possible.
![]() g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
I've had a PM from Trent suggesting it's an AF joke.
Disclaimer: I know nothing about anything. *** smugmug galleries: ***
I told you he wasn't convinced, Dad.
The line of Stubbsy involving the statement "half-baked" was the dead giveaway. I saw include him in on the joke. He's quite valuable. And perceptive. Producer & Editor @
Contributor for fine magazines such as PC Authority and Popular Science.
I've let a few people in on the joke. By all means respond as you feel appropriate.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
Well it's almost time to fess up to the membership as a whole. WHat's interesting now we are at the end of this is how our failed attempt to get Gary & Leigh with the fake switching to Canon story and Matt K's unscripted post about it was turned into a banning Thanh April Fool's Day joke that has eclipsed the work of our erstwhile admin duo.
I guess this proves that in terms of set up the mod team is better than the admin team even if they did steal our awesome set up for their own evil purposes. ![]() ![]() ![]() Peter
Disclaimer: I know nothing about anything. *** smugmug galleries: ***
I'd also like to thank a few people (this speech will be short
![]() - PhillipB for first suggesting we try to out April Fools Day Gary & Leigh - the other forum moderators and senior members sheepie, sirhc55, Matt K, birddog for being involved in our elaborate setup - Sheila Smart for her assistance at short notice in actually getting some 5D pics together for us - the forum membership as a whole for proving their qualities and not letting the whole thing descend into a pissing contest about whether Nikon or Canon was better - The Canon members for expressing their genuine concerns and offering good advice about my poor choice of lenses in the swap to Canon And finally, to those of you who were taken in by this whole thing, my apologies if youe were annoyed or offended, but remember we all need a little bit of fun in our lives. Roll on April 2007 Peter
Disclaimer: I know nothing about anything. *** smugmug galleries: ***
Nice one guys... but on balance, I think you started it a little early - it was wearing a little thin at the end...
I'm glad you included Birdy in the joke this year Gary... ![]() I have to admit that I was caught out by an April Fool today, but it wasn't any of the ones on this site... It was an excellently constructed OB by ABC local radio 702 in which Simon Marnie "broadcast" from a submarine while it picked up prizewinners at Kirribilli and Rose Bay... I even told thaddeus to look out of his window to see if he could see it ![]() Cheers, John
Leek@Flickr | Leek@RedBubble | Leek@DeviantArt D700; D200; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4,18-70mm,85mm f1.8, 105mm,80-400VR, SB-800s; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
I agree. The original mods idea was for the switching to Canon post, then the rest moved to the mods area where the general membership saw nothing until it all came to head back in the main area today. Blame Gary & Leigh for sussing us out so quickly ![]() ![]() Peter
Disclaimer: I know nothing about anything. *** smugmug galleries: ***
Sorry about that. But for a failed gag, it ended up doing remarkably well. ![]() g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
Ah well,
to dream of a good deal on a 300mm f4 ![]() ![]() Still if anyone is selling, my thread is still open! Peter, to complete the story on Poisson d'Avril, we used to hang a paper fish on the backs of our friends on AF. In French, poisson is also used to described someone that is gullible, easily fooled ![]() ![]() If you get called a poisson when travelling in France, and it is not the 1st of April, be very suspicious ![]() ![]() thanks for the fish guys and I like Stubbsy's new title ![]() Andre Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution. Ansel Adams
(misc Nikon stuff)
Quite frankly, I am disappointed and appalled by the immaturity shown by some people here. It stinks of favouratism by the "select few", and is unbelievably childish.
Next year, I want in on the action ok guys? ![]() ![]() ![]()
Ya'll were easy. And I disagree that it eclipsed yours because one of mine made it to DPReview. Furthermore, you had to be part of the forum to understand this one... and REALLY be a part of it. Our others ones you didn't. Producer & Editor @
Contributor for fine magazines such as PC Authority and Popular Science.
Actually, I'm in the process of setting up a DSLR Users April Fools Archive for people that miss out to see what we've done and I asked Dad if we should buy that name. Coincidentally, we didn't and I'm too cheap to. Producer & Editor @
Contributor for fine magazines such as PC Authority and Popular Science.
Good one guys. Have been siting back watching this unfold and wondering. I have not been involved in the forum long enough or intimately enough to know the real personalities behind the action. So sat on the fence and reserved judgement, but came back online this arvo to see the result.
Very good and well exceuted. LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Craig Craig
Lifes journey is not to arrive at our grave in a well preserved body but, rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, "Wow what a ride." D70s, D300, 70-300ED, 18-70 Kit Lens, Nikkor 105 Micro. Manfrotto 190Prob Ball head. SB800 x 2.
Well guys, I think it all actually worked out even better than originally intended.
![]() Personally, I've enjoyed it immensly ![]() Sorry to the member who nearly had a heart attack when I posted that Birdy was cancelling all the D200 orders. ![]() ![]() Looking forward to a bigger,better and even more devious 1/4/07. ![]() If I'm alone in a forest and my wife is not around to hear what I say, am I still wrong ??
I admit falling for Stubby's "Switch" to Canon, but then things got a bit suss with the amount of new threads started about making the "switch" as well by other members.
Question is...was Mic in on it too or was his a genuine thread? ![]() Hassy, Leica, Nikon, iPhone
Come follow the rabbit hole...
Started a bit too early though guys ![]() Canon 20D and a bunch of lovely L glass and a 580EX. Benro tripod. Manfrotto monopod. Lowepro and Crumpler bags. And a pair of Sigma teleconverters, and some Kenko tubes.
Well i thought ''switching to Cannon,have they have all gone nuts???!!''
I for one will never trust the Stark man ever ever ever again And as for logging in yesterday to look over the latest posts whilst enjoying my morning coffee i was stunned to see the small screen and huge dust bunny, it was then i finally got the gag and the penny dropped BASTARDS well done though Nikon boy Norman
Masterful everyone!!
I was fooled too I nearly bought a 5D dammit!! it's good to see a new section of the site DSLRUSERS HISTORY this gag is timeless
Gag??? As in just one?? I guess Wendell's broken Joet's abaccus too now. ![]() g.
Gary Stark Nikon, Canon, Bronica .... stuff The people who want English to be the official language of the United States are uncomfortable with their leaders being fluent in it - US Pres. Bartlet
o.k Gary I meant all these monumental efforts to remind us life is just one big joke and what's important is that we all remain cynical and keep on laughing till the last breath very refressing