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Postby xerubus on Mon Apr 04, 2005 5:01 pm


source: http://www.bandwmag.com/contest/index.html

We select 12 1st place, 12 2nd place, and 12 3rd place winners, plus
144 runners-up (these images are all included in the annual)

We are pleased to announce our new B&W SINGLE IMAGE CONTEST 2005. The idea for this contest was spawned by the unexpected success of last year's PORTFOLIO SUBMISSION CONTEST, which resulted in as many as 707 entries. The Portfolio Contest is different from the Single Image Contest in that the former is intended to promote interaction between photographers, galleries, and collectors of photographic prints. The new contest is intended to promote interaction between photographer and photographer - thus, with the image being the focus, in a spirit of inclusion we are inviting the participation of digital photographers as well.

Differing in yet another way from the Portfolio Contest, where the winner's photographs are published in our magazine, the selected photographers in the Single Image Contest will have their work published in an annual sold on newsstands in 50 different nations during the coming Fall. The 196-page book will feature 180 of the best images, resulting in a showcase of the finest the field has to offer. Welcome on board!


http://www.markcrossphotography.com - A camera, glass, and some light.
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Postby mudder on Mon Apr 04, 2005 8:56 pm

Interesting idea, thanks for the link... Some of the B&W images I see members posting here would surely be a candidate for inclusion...

It'd be great to see some D70 members get in there!
Aka Andrew
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